Inspiring and exciting start for NL-ECO


Researchers, industry professionals and societal partners of our consortium convened for the start of the NL-ECO program on 6-7 February in beautiful locations at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. The meeting has been opened by the program leader Prof. Hans Hilgenkamp and has continued with inspiring overviews on advances and perspectives in spintronics and photonics integration by pioneers in these fields. An exciting lineup of leading experts shared insights in novel concepts, materials, architectures, and equipment for energy-efficient information technologies. We addressed the impact and organizational aspects of the program laying the fundamentals for efficient and productive interactions with our internal and external stakeholders. The meeting provided as well excellent networking opportunities for the participants to build and strengthen collaborations and to exchange research ideas. Consortium members endorsed the success of this meeting and look forward to the future occasions within the NL-ECO program. Stay tuned for further developments and insights emerging from our events.